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Topic Spotlight

Carbon 101: An intro to Carbon Markets

Explore a series of introductory articles designed to shed light on some of the most fundamental aspects of the voluntary carbon markets and carbon credits.

Carbon Credits

Everything you need to know

Curious about carbon credits but don't know where to start? Start here, with our comprehensive guide.


Catona Climate Team

Imagery highlights how one carbon credit equates to one tonne of Co2.
Carbon Credits

Co-benefits of carbon offsets: an overview

The benefits provided by the best of carbon offset projects extend far beyond reducing carbon dioxide emissions.


Catona Climate Team

Carbon Offsets

7 characteristics of quality carbon credits

Carbon credits are a powerful tool in the fight against climate change. However, not all carbon credits are created equal.


Catona Climate Team

Carbon Credits

Exploring the lifecycle of a carbon project

Ever wonder where carbon credits come from? Let's take a closer look at all the steps in the lifecycle of a quality carbon project.


Catona Climate Team

Details highlighting different phases of a carbon project lifecycle. In order these are planning, design, validation, registration, implementation, monitoring, verification, and issuance.

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Rob Lee photo
Expert Spotlight

Rob Lee

Rob Lee is Chief Carbon Officer at Catona Climate. Rob has been a respected thought leader in the carbon industry for as long as it has existed.

Tracy Bain photo
Expert Spotlight

Tracy Bain

Tracy Bain is Catona Climate's Vice President of Carbon Program Monitoring & Engagement. With deep field experience, Tracy leads our project monitoring and has previously held roles at IFAW, WCN, and the Packard Foundation.

Topic Spotlight

Myth Busters

There are several myths about carbon credits out there. In this seven-part series, we tackle the main criticisms head on — and talk about solutions to the potential problems being raised.

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